Instagram lies. Well, at least I'm sure it does at some point over Christmas. When I see people posting pictures of...
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7 Ways to Get to Christmas Without a Total Meltdown
Instagram lies. Well, at least I'm sure it does at some point over Christmas. When I see people posting pictures of how wonderful setting up the tree is and how magical the decorating was (okay, okay, I've done this...I'm guilty), it reminds me how often that process...
How to Find the Right Routine as a Solo Parent
Growing up, I always knew I wanted to be a dad. Most kids I ran around with wanted to be an astronaut or a football player, but not me. I had bigger dreams. I wanted to be a dad. I looked forward to it becoming a reality one day. I dreamt about what kind of dad I...
One Question Every Parent Should Ask Themselves
We teach our kids about wisdom. But let's be honest. How do you make wise choices? Let's face it. We're all rookie parents when we bring home our first child. We have to figure out each age and stage as they come along—from scratch. If kids were cookie cutter similar,...
5 Fun Ways to Make Fall Family Memories
Fall is filled with back-to-school routines, festivals, and holiday traditions. With all that busyness, it’s easy to lose sight of spending time together. The fun doesn't have to be complicated—just a little bit of planning and intention goes a long way in making...