Matt McKee


Matt McKee (1978-2023) was an author, speaker, entrepreneur, investor, and ordained pastor. His book and online course, Parenting in a Tech World, are both available in the Parent Cue store. Matt was married to Jessica and dad to Patriot and Azlan. His tagline, just another guy trying to make a difference, sums up his life quite nicely.

A 3-Pronged Approach to Solving Technology Issues With Your Kid | Parent Cue Blog

Imagine The End | Technology

A 3-Pronged Approach to Solving Technology Issues With Your Kid

Your kids want to be on their devices all the time. They have figured out how to make an iPod, mobile device, or computer do things that you never thought… Read More
Parenting Tweens Through Technology | Parent Cue Blog

Elementary (K-5th) | Technology

Parenting Tweens Through Technology

There are a lot of things to consider when helping our children navigate the world of technology, apps, and social media. Things like telling the truth, being kind, relationships, bullying,… Read More