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The Dreams I Had for My Kid Aren’t Coming True

The Dreams I Had for My Kid Aren’t Coming True

If you’ve been a parent for longer than fifteen minutes, you know that when it comes to predicting the future for your kid, your expectations matter about as much as the answer you get from shaking a Magic 8-Ball.  Take my oldest, for example. Her dad played college...

Let Your Kids See Your Faith

Let Your Kids See Your Faith

As a kid, do you remember a moment when you realized that grown-ups were real people?  Maybe it was standing around the grill with your dad and his friends, or listening to your mom as she played cards with her sisters.  There was a way they interacted with each other...

How to Influence Your Kid At Every Phase

How to Influence Your Kid At Every Phase

Kids know more about you than you know about them. People are wired to pay closer attention to someone who has power over their world. Think about it. As kids and teenagers grow up, they depend on the adults in their world to get food, to have transportation, and to...

The Other Side of Comparison

The Other Side of Comparison

As parents, we know to teach our kids not to compare. With social media it’s easy for teenagers to compare their lives against the lives of their friends. For elementary school kids it’s easy to compare their summer vacation to the summer vacation of a friend. For...

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