Holly Crawshaw

Holly Crawshaw is a writer and editor who eats sour candy and laughs at her own jokes. A self-proclaimed cat-lady, Holly was on staff with North Point Ministries for eight years, working with volunteers, kids, and students. Holly currently serves as Lead Writer for Life Stage Strategies at Orange/The Rethink Group. Holly is raising three daughters, Lilah (the silly one), Esmae (the charming one), and Sailor (the sweet one) in her hometown of Cumming, GA.

5 Ways to Connect With Other Parents This Summer | Parent Cue Blog

Featured | Self Care | Social Life

5 Ways to Connect With Other Parents This Summer

Don’t get lost in the “parenting phase” forever. You’re still you—an individual, separate from your kids or partner. Read More
The Dreams I Had for My Child Aren't Coming True | Parent Cue Blog

Featured | Imagine The End

The Dreams I Had for My Kid Aren’t Coming True

If you’ve been hurt by a dream for your kid you’ve had to let go, you’re not alone. You’re not a failure. You’re just a parent. Read More
Three Things You Need to Know About Your Teen and Dating | Parent Cue Blog

Family Life | Featured | High School (9th-12th) | Middle School (6th-8th)

Three Things You Need to Know About Your Teen and Dating

Romantic relationships at any age are a challenge. Here are a few things I’m keeping in mind as my kids enter the “dating” years. Read More
The Strategic Relationships All Kids Need | Parent Cue Blog

Featured | High School (9th-12th) | Imagine The End | Phase | Widen The Circle

The Strategic Relationships All Kids Need

We were never meant to parent alone. Inviting other caring adults you trust to consistently show up in the life of your kid is invaluable. Read More
5 Ways to Use Technology with Your Teenager | Parent Cue Blog

Current Events | Family Activities | Featured | High School (9th-12th) | Middle School (6th-8th) | Technology

5 Ways to Use Technology with Your Teenager 

Is technology destroying our society? Inhibiting our kids’ ability to carry on a multi-sentence conversation? Are we raising tiny little robots who will one day grow up to only communicate… Read More
Asking for Help Doesn't Make You a Bad Parent (It Makes You a Better One) | Parent Cue Blog

Family Life | Featured | Mental Health | Self Care

Asking for Help Doesn’t Make You a Bad Parent (It Makes You a Better One)

“It takes a village!” You’ve said it. Or you’ve heard it. But have you ever lived it?  Read More
21 Things We Learned in 2021 | Parent Cue Blog

Celebrations | Featured | Seasonal | Self Care

21 Things We Learned in 2021

The year 2021 brought with it the realization that very few of the things that made 2020 so tedious and dread-filled would actually change if I didn’t change, too. That… Read More
3 Things You Need to Know About Your Teen and Dating | Parent Cue Blog

Featured | High School (9th-12th) | Middle School (6th-8th)

3 Things You Need to Know About Your Teen and Dating

Under the right circumstances, our kids being in a healthy dating relationship could actually be beneficial to their growth. Read More
3 Ways to Ease Back Into In-Person Events Again | Parent Cue Blog

Current Events | Featured | Special Topics

3 Ways to Ease Back Into In-Person Events Again

We’re all different people processing through our own experiences and convictions. Of course, we’re all going to react to a pandemic differently. I think the trouble comes in when we… Read More
5 Things I Want My Daughters to Know About Confidence | Parent Cue Blog

Character and Values | Elementary (K-5th) | Featured | Imagine The End

5 Things I Want My Daughters to Know About Confidence

It’s important to have regular conversations with our kids that reveal what they really believe to be true about themselves. Read More
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