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How to Build Empathy in My Elementary Schooler

How to Build Empathy in My Elementary Schooler

Sit through one dinner with your in-laws and a kid who declares, while displaying the evidence, “This is gross!” and you’ll find yourself desperate to teach a little empathy.  Of course, this is about so much more than table manners.  While our kids likely mean no...

The Dreams I Had for My Kid Aren’t Coming True

The Dreams I Had for My Kid Aren’t Coming True

If you’ve been a parent for longer than fifteen minutes, you know that when it comes to predicting the future for your kid, your expectations matter about as much as the answer you get from shaking a Magic 8-Ball.  Take my oldest, for example. Her dad played college...

What Easter is About

What Easter is About

Easter is about a lot of things. First of all, it’s about Jesus keeping His promises. He told the disciples He would leave and then come back, and when Peter and John and Mary went to the tomb and saw it was empty, and then saw Jesus alive, they knew Jesus could be...

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