

Just a Dream

When I was in high school, I remember more than a few conversations with older adults that contained the words “when you get in into the real world…” Those conversations always frustrated me, and to some extent they still do. It seems to me that most of us... Read More


A Supporting Role

By Jon Williams When I was growing up, I always remember how sports played a big role in the family. My dad had grown up playing High School baseball and football and my brother, who is eight years older, kind of followed in his footsteps. My brother did... Read More


Parenting is Wonder-full

Becoming a new parent. Is there anything more amazing? Is there anything more terrifying? Is there anything more wonderful? For some reason the very intelligent people at the hospital give you this tiny being to take home with you, just days after he has come into the world.... Read More


Autism Awareness

It is now believed that 1 in 88 American children has some form of autism spectrum disorder, according to a new report released just last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to the report, that’s a 78% increase from just a decade ago. Though... Read More


Rooted in Conviction

Have you tuned in to watch The Firm on TV yet? I remember reading the bestseller years ago and later watching the movie as this young lawyer graduates and gets his first job. I can still picture he and his wife celebrating by buying pizza with change they... Read More


Noah's Story

After several responses to our post earlier this week about Rick Smith and his NoahsDad.com website, we thought it might be interesting to hear Rick’s first-hand account of the journey. by Rick Smith “I’m so sorry.” Those were the first words we heard from my wife’s OBGYN shortly after... Read More


New Years Resolution: Self Control

So you’ve stuffed yourself full of black-eyed peas, cabbage, and fish. You’re bound and determined to solve all the world’s problems this year… or at least lose five pounds. You promise your family and friends to be around more. You have a detailed plan to get out of... Read More


Finding More Grace as a Parent

Everyone thinks grace is a great idea. Who doesn’t want unconditional love? You long for it in your marriage, your kids long for it from their parents. But living it out? Well, that’s another thing entirely, isn’t it? So, how do you become more grace filled? How do... Read More


10 Best iPad Apps for Kids

There are a few more weeks of summer left, which means a few more weeks of entertaining kids. If you have one last road trip before school starts, you and your kids may want to consider downloading one or two of Sam Luce’s recommended iPad apps. We came... Read More


An Inconvenient Tension

During January we’re focusing on the virtue of Determination at studio252.  I’m a big believer in Determination.  I think it’s a key ingredient in: marriages that make it faith that lasts maintaining healthy relationships with kids during the teen years a lasting and productive career or calling academic... Read More