How to Be Rich

With December here, we don't have to wonder what our kids are thinking about. They're making their lists and checking them many more times than twice. It might be a toy car for a child or a first car for a teenager. From Fisher-Price to Ford, there's something for...

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The Next Question

Your kids are back in school and you're focused on helping them excel. You want them to learn. To grow. To master knowledge. If you bring things back to their simplest form, knowledge often answers the question: "What?" What do I need to know to do well on the test,...

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Just Being Honest

Sometimes I struggle with telling my kids the truth about themselves. Not so much the good…but the bad and the ugly. I know it’s my job to help them grow. I want to be their cheerleader. I want to believe they can do anything. I want them to go for their dreams. But...

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Marking Moments

You've heard it before and some of you are currently living it. Time does move more and more quickly as your children grow up. When my boys were preschool age, time seemed to move very slowly. The time before kindergarten seemed like a lifetime because, well, it was a...

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Nothing Is Actually Free

Years ago, one of my best friends and I were talking about something I got for free. I can't remember what it was, but it was something like a free donut, a free lunch or free movie tickets. He said, "Sure, it's free to you. But somebody paid for it. Because nothing...

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Stealing Life from Your Kids?

There are two kinds of people you encounter: people who give life and people who drain life out of you. You have dinner with a friend and leave feeling refreshed and energized. Conversely, you can spend 10 minutes with someone who drains you and walk away feeling like...

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Too much too soon?

Too much too soon?

Did you hear about the New York mom who sued her daughter’s preschool because it hadn’t properly prepared her four-year-old for entrance exams for an elite education? “It is no secret that getting a child into the Ivy League starts in nursery school,” reads one tenet...

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Best Friends?

Most of us like to be liked. At least I do. And all of us start the parenting journey with this dream that we are going to have the best relationship ever with our kids. I have run into more than a few parents over the years who talk about being being best friends...

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I'm not the most emotional guy.  But emotions can play a powerful role in shaping our response to what's happening around us,  in us and in our families. If there's a song that makes me tear up every time (did it again, writing this post), it's Harry Chapin's Cat's in...

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