Create A Rhythm

How to Successfully Ease Out of Summer and Back to School

Create A Rhythm | Elementary (K-5th) | Featured | School Life

How to Successfully Ease Out of Summer and Back to School

The hardest part of the summer ending is pretending you’re not happy about it as a parent. Hiding your joy from kids who get mad at even seeing the back… Read More
What Easter is About | Parent Cue Blog

Celebrations | Create A Rhythm | Faith | Featured

What Easter is About

As parents it can be really easy to get discouraged in a tough season with our kids. It can feel like it can never end and things will never get… Read More

Celebrations | Create A Rhythm

20 Memorable Family Christmas Traditions

Traditions are important for families because they provide opportunities to keep your family legacy going. From the simple to the silly to the sentimental, traditions can create meaningful memories. Don’t hesitate to try out some new traditions this Christmas season and see what works and what doesn’t for... Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life | Featured | School Life

Make the Most of Mornings

As our kids grow up, we must take advantage of the time we already have with them within the rhythms of the day to talk about what matters. Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life | Featured

How to Set Your Family Values

The rhythm in your home sets your family values. It establishes what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. It determines what gets talked about and what doesn’t get talked about. When you create a rhythm you establish priorities.  Read More

Birth - 5 years | Create A Rhythm | Featured

23 Parenting Hacks for Parents with Little Kids

We do not lack information on “how-to parent.” People often joke that our children don’t come with manuals, but the truth is, we have so much information at our fingertips that we can easily become overwhelmed by all of the (often contradicting) expert opinions out there. I, however,... Read More

Birth - 5 years | Create A Rhythm | Phase | Uncategorized

Making the Most of Bedtime in the Preschool Phase

It’s in the everyday moments that we can connect with our kids, and bedtime for a preschooler is a significant opportunity you don’t want to miss. Because you’re doing more than just tucking your child into bed. You’re laying a foundation that says, “I care about you.” Read More

Birth - 5 years | Create A Rhythm | Elementary (K-5th) | Family Life | Featured | High School (9th-12th) | Middle School (6th-8th)

Cues for Every Family Rhythm

Whatever your family rhythm looks like, see if there’s a way you can look at things you are already doing, and do one simple thing to connect with the heart of your child instead of merely getting through it. In the process, you’ll build habits that will build... Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Activities | Family Life | Featured

How Planning Can Make You a More Present Parent

When it comes to you being present with your children, think quality over quantity. Think intentional over impromptu. Think practice over perfection.  Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life | Featured | Mental Health

Why Time Away Might Not Fix Your Stress

There’s a fatigue that comes with parenting that’s a little hard to describe. Throw a global pandemic into the mix and you’ve got stress on steroids. You know what most families do to try to alleviate the constant stress? Live for vacation Read More