Deborah Springer

What Your Preschooler Really Needs for Christmas | Parent Cue Blog

Birth - 5 years | Celebrations | Imagine The End

What Your Preschooler Really Needs for Christmas

My “baby” is now 20-years-old. I consider myself to be a fairly good gift-giver, but his 20th birthday had me stumped. He is living in an apartment at college, semi-independent,… Read More

Birth - 5 years | Imagine The End | Social Life

How to Coach Friendship in the Preschool Years

Making friends and keeping them are important life skills. Just like learning to walk, talk, self-feed, and potty-train, there are steps that babies, toddlers, and preschoolers will master as they… Read More
Does My Child Measure Up? A Milestone Comparison Trap | The Parent Cue Blog

Birth - 5 years | Make It Personal

Does My Child Measure Up? A Milestone Comparison Trap

Google “developmental milestones” and you may be surprised to see 1.5 million results. Are there that many milestones in the 18-year lifespan of a child from birth until they graduate… Read More