Gina McClain

Gina McClain is the Children’s Ministry Director at Faith Promise Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. Gina is driven by the idea of equipping parents for the journey of teaching their kids how to follow Christ. Based upon her experience as a mom, she identifies with the everyday challenges parents wade through. Gina and her husband, Kyle, have three kids, Keegan, Josie and Connor.

How Kids Can Make the Wise Choice | Parent Cue Blog

Character and Values | Faith | Imagine The End

How Kids Can Make the Wise Choice

It was another average weekday. Shortly after arriving home from work, I’m routinely rifling through the pile of papers pulled from my 2nd grader’s backpack. Amidst the assortment of math… Read More
The Art of Discipline: Making it Helpful | The Parent Cue Blog

Family Life | Imagine The End

The Art of Discipline: Making It Helpful

Shepherding the hearts of our kids is one of those daily behaviors that does more to refine and challenge me than anything else in my life. In my interactions with… Read More

Faith | Imagine The End

Stretching Faith

Death of a Car It was late Sunday evening in June. Driving down the highway, my husband started slowing down. “Why are you stopping?” I’m clearly annoyed.  It’s late and… Read More
What Every Dad Should Know About His Daughter

Fight For The Heart

What Every Dad Should Know About His Daughter

Several weeks ago I was dropping my daughter off for a birthday party. As I was leaving a man stopped me asking for directions. He was standing with one of… Read More