Helping Kids Deal with Peer Conflict
As my 2nd grader exited the bus he walked toward me but looked away. Without uttering a word, I knew something was wrong. Rarely does my little guy greet me at the bus stop without offering a hug. On this day there was no smile, but rather a... Read More
Fight For The Heart | Imagine The End
Afraid of the Dark
by Sarah Anderson I am mama to a two-year-old who is going through a bit of a rough stage. He is becoming more aware of being alone at night. And he is afraid. Of the dark. Of strange noises and imaginary monsters. So in order to calm these... Read More
Fight For The Heart | Imagine The End
When Should You Give Your Kids Their Own Phone?
Ten-year-olds today live in a significantly different world than ten-year-olds even a few years ago. Today, when you get a phone you don’t just get something to dial if you’re going to be late for dinner or you’re in danger. You get everything with it—Facebook, movies, a full... Read More
Fight For The Heart | Imagine The End
A Father's Reflections
A few weeks ago, our family had one of its most amazing celebrations yet. My oldest son, Jordan, married the love of his life. They are so ready for this and the life that is ahead of them in Christ. We couldn’t be happier for them. A wedding... Read More
Fight For The Heart | Imagine The End
The Challenges of Child-Centered Parenting
I’ve always wondered why celebrities seem so messed up. Can’t there be one couple that stays together forever? Why do famous people have weird riders in their contracts about red M&Ms? Why the rush to serial cosmetic surgery? How come there’s so much addiction? Isn’t anyone normal? I... Read More
Fight For The Heart | Imagine The End | Make It Personal
Earning Trust
Parents instinctively want to be able to trust their kids. But have you ever flipped the question. Are your kids able to trust you? I realize that probably sounds strange, but if you want to have influence and a great relationship with your children and teens, trust is... Read More
Fight For The Heart | Imagine The End
Help, Don't Hinder
By Gina McClain Our oldest son is in the 6th grade. He’s close to exiting his pre-teen season and fully embrace the realm of teen-hood. (This is a great opportunity for you to pray for me.) Over the past year he’s grown into a young man that loves... Read More
Family Voice
Here’s an article we pulled from the archives that is worth taking a second look. Leave us a comment! What does your family voice sound like? by Carey Nieuwhof There’s this thing that I believe every family has. I don’t actually know what to call it. If we... Read More
Fight For The Heart | Imagine The End
Honoring People You Live With
Isn’t it strange that it’s easier for most of us to honor someone we don’t know than it is to honor someone we see all the time? It’s easier to gather in a public forum to honor a hero we’ve never met who has come home from service... Read More