2 Myths About Creativity

2 Myths About Creativity

Creativity is a hot topic these days, but the idea is sometimes misunderstood. Here are two myths that could actually squelch creativity if believed. Myth #1 - You are born creative or you’re not. Creativity is not a gene that’s passed on like red hair. It can be...

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The Search for More

The Search for More

Once we had kids my husband and I quickly learned dates were going to look a lot different. We hadn’t realized that before children, every night was date night. Kids complicated things, made the night out—due to babysitting costs—much more expensive. Unless it’s a...

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My Days on A Pit Crew

My Days on A Pit Crew

Many of my childhood weekends were filled with kid stuff—playing outside, wading in the creek, playing with dolls and roller-skating. However, there was a short time when I was on the pit crew of my dad’s racing team, and that was major. Not really your normal kid...

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Make It Personal

Make It Personal

A crucial link exists between your ability to parent and your personal growth. This parenting value—making it personal—is going to challenge you as a parent in a way the other values don’t. This one will benefit your kids, for sure. But it’s not directly about them,...

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Farewell Summer

Farewell Summer

It’s fun to scroll the Facebook feed for photos of families on vacation. I absolutely L-O-V-E seeing parents and kids being themselves and having fun together. Since I’m a youth pastor, I geek out when pictures of teens with their parents on vacation. It’s almost like...

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