Jon Acuff

Jon Acuff is the New York Times Bestselling author of seven books, including his new one, Soundtracks, The Surprising Solution to Overthinking. When he’s not writing, he’s speaking to companies like Comedy Central, Microsoft, Walmart, FedEx, and Nissan. He’s worked for Orange for seven years and swears his love language is LEGO. Read more from him at

How to Successfully Ease Out of Summer and Back to School

Create A Rhythm | Elementary (K-5th) | Featured | School Life

How to Successfully Ease Out of Summer and Back to School

The hardest part of the summer ending is pretending you’re not happy about it as a parent. Hiding your joy from kids who get mad at even seeing the back… Read More
The Other Side of Comparison | Parent Cue Blog

Character and Values | Featured

The Other Side of Comparison

It’s almost impossible to have empathy for someone else when you get stuck in comparison. Read More
3 Resolutions Every Parent Can Keep


3 Resolutions Every Parent Can Keep

All the Christmas lights are gone, school is back in session and everyone is eating kale. Why? Because at the start of the New Year, we always come up with… Read More
The Simplest Way to Connect With Your Kid | Parent Cue Blog

Character and Values | Family Life | Featured

The Simplest Way to Connect With Your Kid

You can’t go passive as a parent or your kid will become a stranger. (I would say the same is true with your marriage, but that’s a different discussion for… Read More
No Room for Shame in the Suitcase | Parent Cue Blog

Family Life | Featured | Make It Personal

No Room for Shame in the Suitcase

I was demonizing work. I was unknowingly teaching my kids that work was a terrible place that ripped you from your home and forced you to leave loved ones. We… Read More
3 Ways to Take the Stress out of Homeschooling Your Kids

Current Events

3 Ways to Take the Stress Out of Homeschooling Your Kids

You know why homeschooling seems hard and awkward? Because doing new things always is. You know why you don’t feel like an expert? Because you’re not an expert. Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life

The Power of “First Words”

Words have power and it’s not just the words we say out loud. Sometimes, the most powerful words we say are the ones we say inside to ourselves. Read More
This Is a Weird Parenting Goal, But...

Family Life | Fight For The Heart

This Is a Weird Parenting Goal, But . . .

Why is it easier to have goals at work than it is at home? Have you ever thought about that before? Most corporate jobs are jam-packed with goals. You have… Read More
Skin in the Game Changes Everything

Finance | Imagine The End

Skin in the Game Changes Everything

It’s fun to surprise your kids with gifts and luxury experiences like a 13-year-old getting a manicure. But it’s equally important to give them the gift of working for a… Read More
When Joy Gets Flipped Upside Down

Family Life

When Joy Gets Flipped Upside Down

Things change. Kids grow up. Responsibilities grow and shift. But, there is joy hidden in every season of parenting. Read More
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