Nina Schmidgall

Nina serves as Director of Family Ministry at National Community Church in Washington DC. Nina originally moved from California to the nation's capital to work for the United States Congress, serving as a Legislative Director in the House of Representatives. Writing and directing education and family policy, Nina realized her deep passion for strengthening the family and the home. She has overseen the family ministry department at NCC since 2001, growing the children's programs to seven locations. Nina and her husband, Joel, live on Capitol Hill with their three young kids: Eloise, Ezekiel, and Lorenza.

Faith | Imagine The End

Cultivating a Prayer Habit

When my son was about three or four years old, we started to prompt him to contribute his own prayer requests as we were getting him settled into bed at… Read More
How to Invite Others to Invest in Your Kids | The Parent Cue Blog

Social Life

How to Invite Others to Invest in the Lives of Your Kids

It's important to Invite adults with shared values to invest in the lives of your kids. I am often asked by other parents how to do this. Parents are eager… Read More
Passing Down a Journey of Faith | Parent Cue Blog


Passing Down a Journey of Faith

My daughter plays the violin. She started when she was just four-years-old, playing Twinkle, Twinkle on her little miniature instrument.  Now, she’s eight and plays in a youth orchestra, sitting tall… Read More

Family Life | Make It Personal

Don’t Miss Date Night!

When I informed my daughter one night that a sitter was on her way because mom and dad were going out on a date, she crossed her arms to express her… Read More

Imagine The End

Risk Takers and Adventure Seekers

As our summer has gone on and my kids have conquered the high dive, the water slide, first sleepovers, and attempts at water skiing, I have been reflecting on what… Read More


Boy Noises

"Have you noticed that your son makes a lot of noises?" My son's teacher questioned me a few weeks into the school year, her head tilted and eyebrows raised. My… Read More