Family Life

Family Life

Keep Talking, Even When They’re Not Listening

Being the parent of a teenager can sometimes feel like talking to a BRICK WALL. Sometimes you feel like you just need to wave a hand in front of their face to get their attention. But then you notice they seem to operate fine around other people. Which... Read More

Family Life | Self Care

When You Feel Like a Total Failure as a Parent

One of my most dismal moments as a dad came a few years ago when my friend Reggie Joiner and I were writing our book, Parenting Beyond Your Capacity. When you write a parenting book, it’s tempting to think you need to have arrived, only because everyone who... Read More

Family Life

Just Listen

“Mom, I just need you to listen.” These were the words of my 16-year-old daughter this past week. I had been sitting on the edge of her bed for a good 45 minutes listening to her talk for what seemed like 3 hours. I had a list as... Read More

Family Life

How to Quickly, Perfectly Figure Out What Unique Talent Your Kid Has

Wasn’t that an encouraging title for a blog post? Wouldn’t it be awesome if there were a way for us as parents to quickly help our kids figure out what unique talent they have? Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could help them know at age 8 or... Read More

Family Life

Invitations – Invite Your Kids Into Your Story

Are you the kind of person who prefers to do things on your own rather than allow your kid to help, because it’s easier, less messy, and more peaceful? What would happen if you were to push past your natural inclination and invite them to participate with you?... Read More

Family Life

A “Best Case Scenario” Parent

I’m an eternal optimist, a ‘glass-half-full’ kind of person. I don’t say this to brag because in most instances, this quality has led to quite a bit of frustration in my life. I set massive, but attainable goals… if only everything would go right, and by right I... Read More

Family Life

Just Wear The Stupid Gym Shorts

Would I want to walk into a room and feel completely underdressed? NO! I wouldn’t wear jeans to a wedding. And, no, I wouldn’t want to wear yucky gym shorts while everyone else was wearing beautiful leotards. Here I was, trying to get my 7-year-old to do something... Read More

Family Life

Get to Know Them All Over Again

I have two sons. Two sons, two realities: One loves music. The other loves sports. One loves conversation. The other is a man of few words. They both like camping. My thinking went this way: of course I know them. They’re my sons. But then I lived a few years... Read More

Family Life

Fight For Their Heart

Parents don’t usually post pictures of their kids on the second day of school. That made me consider taking another set of pictures this year, one at about 6:30 PM every evening on that first week to show a side of our family that we may not be... Read More

Family Life

Capturing Teachable Moments

We recently purchased a new car. Previously, I drove a small sedan. Now, because we are adopting a fourth child, my husband and I decided it was time to bite the bullet and go for the gas chugging SUV. I’m sure you’re thinking, “Why is she telling me... Read More