Amy Fenton Lee

Amy Fenton Lee is the Director of Special Needs Initiatives for Orange and author of “Leading a Special Needs Ministry: A Practical Guide to Loving Families and Including Children”. Amy and her husband are the proud parents to a third grade son who keeps them laughing and a French Bulldog that keeps them up at night. Amy blogs at


Good Grief

by Amy Fenton Lee Grief is a natural part of life. Yet, it’s one of the hardest subjects to address as a parent. We don’t want anxiety-ridden kids, so we… Read More

Create A Rhythm

Staying on Task: Creating a Family Plan

Just seeing the word “schedule” may evoke feelings of anxiety for many parents. It’s a struggle to create, let alone maintain, a systematic routine for our household. However, with devotion… Read More

Create A Rhythm

6 Ways to Create Summer Memories

Electronic gaming, videos and television privileges have functioned as the discipline currency in my household. We learned a long time ago that both earning and losing time in front of… Read More

Make It Personal

The Lesson of the Ringing Bell

I’ll admit it. I battled a cynical attitude for the ringing bell. I would purposefully walk to a door on the far end of a store’s entrance just to avoid… Read More

Fight For The Heart | Imagine The End

Beauty: Reshaping our View

No one has to be reminded when it’s swimsuit season. Imperfections become obsessions and the pressure to look photo-shop perfect is almost unbearable. It is tough to instill a “character… Read More

Create A Rhythm | Fight For The Heart

Favorite Things

For as long as I can remember, I have finished out my day with the exchange of "favorite things.” As the oldest of three sisters covering a five-year age span,… Read More

Create A Rhythm

Staying on Schedule: Survivor v. Servant

Recently my husband treated me to a weekend free of wife and motherhood duties. I only had myself to pack before I flew off to another U.S. city for a… Read More