Melissa Thorson

Melissa is a former high school English teacher turned stay-at-home mom who traded in the essay grading for diaper changing . . . both of which offer their fair share of crap. She has always loved teenagers and feared little kids until she had her own. 90% of the joy in her life comes from her husband, Steve; her sons, Crosby and Miller; and her amazing extended family and friends. The rest comes from cooking and taking online personality assessments.

23 Parenting Hacks for Parents of Little Kids | Parent Cue Blog

Birth - 5 years | Create A Rhythm | Featured

23 Parenting Hacks for Parents with Little Kids

We do not lack information on “how-to parent.” People often joke that our children don’t come with manuals, but the truth is, we have so much information at our fingertips… Read More
Share Your Kids | Parent Cue Blog

Social Life | Widen The Circle

Share Your Kids

I’m learning that friendship, as a parent, is even more life-giving (life-saving?) now than ever before. And this says a lot coming from a friendship-nostalgia-freak who has a file box… Read More
Fake it till you make it

Birth - 5 years | Make It Personal

Fake It Till You Make It

I’ve heard before that when feeling insecure in a new job you just have to “fake it till you make it.” But I seem to have mixed luck with my… Read More

Family Life

Meaningful vs. Manic Bedtime Routines

I’m a loose cannon at bedtime. I can be running through our upstairs hallway playing chase like Mary Poppins at 7:07pm, but as that clock creeps closer to 7:30 my… Read More

Birth - 5 years

The Humbling Moments of Raising a Strong-Willed Child

My son peed on my friend’s pants. It wasn’t an “Ooops!-My-lil’-sweet-pea’s-diaper-leaked-some tee-tee!” kinda-pee. My almost-three-year-old pulled down his pants, set up his aim with precision, and fire-hosed the folded jeans. … Read More