Birth – 5 years

Birth - 5 years | Family Life | Phase

The One Thing That Matters Most in the Preschool Phase

While caring for your preschooler, on days when your constant to-do list feels endless, you can’t help but wonder, am I doing anything that really matters? Read More

Birth - 5 years | Fight For The Heart

6 Ways to Meet Your Toddler’s Needs

Toddlers get a bad rap. Sure they whine and throw tantrums. But can you blame them? There’s a lot going on in those pint-sized bodies. But with the world at their fingertips, there’s still so much they can’t do. That’s where you come in. Read More

Birth - 5 years | Make It Personal

The Truth About the Baby Phase

Becoming a parent is one of those experiences in life where basically every cliché is true: It goes so fast. You’ll miss this. Just wait until they’re walking/talking/teenagers. They’ll grow out of it. It will get easier. At Parent Cue, we say something similar: It’s just a phase. So... Read More

Birth - 5 years

An Open Letter to the Exhausted Parents of Small Children

What is it about having small children that prompts strangers to offer unsolicited words of wisdom? No, kind lady at Target, I’m not sure I want to hear your birthing story—though I’m sure it’s got the entertainment value of an action film—I’d prefer my curious seven-year-old not have... Read More

Birth - 5 years

The Humbling Moments of Raising a Strong-Willed Child

My son peed on my friend’s pants. It wasn’t an “Ooops!-My-lil’-sweet-pea’s-diaper-leaked-some tee-tee!” kinda-pee. My almost-three-year-old pulled down his pants, set up his aim with precision, and fire-hosed the folded jeans.  Every parent has laughable potty-training stories. But this incident wasn’t just a learning-bladder-control mishap; it was a desperate... Read More

Birth - 5 years | Elementary (K-5th) | Family Life | High School (9th-12th) | Middle School (6th-8th)

Don’t Miss it – Know Your Kids

The better you know your kids, the better you will be able to lead them. But here’s a problem. Your kids keep changing, which means their issues keep changing. Your kids are navigating an important journey from childhood to adulthood. So remember: You are not raising children. You... Read More

Birth - 5 years

Just Put Away the Ugly Blanket

Well, friends. I may have done something halfway decent as a mama today. Hold your applause, because there’s ample time left for me to mess up my girls to the tune of thousands in therapy costs, but today…today, I actually paused before disciplining my seven-year-old, Lilah. Now. If... Read More

Birth - 5 years

It’s Tough Raising Little Humans

“It’s tough raising little humans.” This is what my husband and I tell each other on a fairly regular basis. Granted, we haven’t had experiences raising any other kind of species, but in our limited experience, humans seem particularly challenging. Because it’s the actual raising of kids that... Read More

Birth - 5 years

Tiny Crazy Mouths

It’s February. The holidays are over. All [most] of the Christmas decorations are packed away. The family goals for the New Year are written on the back of a Chik-Fil-A napkin and taped to the fridge…and for about 15 minutes, I get to sit on the sofa and... Read More

Birth - 5 years

Surviving Ezzy

I was the perfect mother. I mean, anyone could be—if they just read the books like I did and maintained a schedule like I did. If they had boundaries with their children. If they stood their ground . . . If they would just work the system, they... Read More