There’s no better way to wrap up the last week of December than a Year in Review list. The best of the best all at once! Here are our top 5 posts on Parent Cue in 2015 –
5. Three Key Words Your Kids Are Longing to Hear – Kara Powell
…As I’ve pondered the research on family faith and relationships, I’m convinced that there are three words your kids are longing for you to say to them: “I like you.” They’ve probably heard “I love you” from you more times than they can count. But do they know you actually enjoy them as people?
4. Surviving Ezzy – Holly Crawshaw
I had the parenting thing all figured out. That’s what I thought after I had my first child, Lilah. She was, by all accounts, perfection. She slept through the night at six weeks. She took several long naps throughout the day. She would smile at strangers. Use her manners. Perform on cue. I was the perfect mother. Until I had my second child, Ezzy.
3 – Just Wear The Stupid Gym Shorts – Holly Crawshaw
Am I the only Mama who feels like 5:00pm – 7:00pm are the worst hours of the day? I mean, what good occurs between 5:00pm – 7:00pm? Nobody likes what we had for dinner. You can smell my cat’s litter box from the driveway. The dishes are teetering over the edge of the sink…
I call these hours the Evening Vortex. It’s never-ending. If you call or text me during this time, and I respond, it’s because I’m begging you for help.
2. Open Your Home – Autumn Ward
I love beautifully decorated homes with every little thing in place. A candle quietly burning, fresh flowers in a vase, soft music playing, the floors and bathrooms are spotless and the furniture is freshly polished – and vacuum lines on carpet – ahh they make me feel happy.
As much as I would love to say this describes my home, it does not. I mean I still try. I haven’t totally given up on the dream, but I learned a long time ago that hosting kids in my home does not, in any way, help my dream become a reality.
1. 5 Things You’ll Never Regret – Carey Nieuwhof
Yes, it really was a bad idea to give your six-year-old access to the finger paints while you did the laundry. Or to let your fourteen-year-old son stay overnight at his friend’s place without triple checking to make sure his parents were home. And maybe it wasn’t all that wise when you had that fight heated conversation in the kitchen when the kids were watching cartoons. We all have regrets, but the flip side is also true.
We all have things we’ll never regret doing as a parent. And if you think about doing things you’ll never regret, you can actually do them more often.
And a bonus! Here is our most listened to episode of Parent Cue Live!
1. Finding A Kid’s Spark – Reggie Joiner, Kristen Ivy, & Kara Powell
In this episode of Parent Cue Live Reggie, Kristen, and Kara talk about how to support kids in what lights them up and helping them develop their unique skills and abilities.