Family Life

Family Life | Fight For The Heart

One Simple Way to Love Your Kids Better

I can be a sulker. When someone offends me, my natural response is to sulk, and give them the cold shoulder so they can figure out on their own how to make amends. I also tend to be a guilt-tripper, detailing grievances against me or behaviors that might... Read More

Family Life | Fight For The Heart

To Praise or Not to Praise Your Kids

Don’t tell your kid he’s smart, or he won’t think he needs to try. Tell your kid he’s smart so he’ll believe he’s capable. Don’t praise your kid at all; then he’ll grow up expecting constant affirmation. Praise your kid for her efforts so she will see the... Read More

Family Life | Fight For The Heart

The “S” Word

I don’t write often about discipline online because it’s a great way to have an argument with strangers. I feel like in general we have enough yelling on the Internet and I don’t need to contribute more. Parenting is fraught with controversial topics and discipline is certainly on... Read More

Family Life | Fight For The Heart

What to Do When Your Kid Offends You

Getting time away from my kids is one of my favorite things. Now, don’t get me wrong . . . I love my kids, but for the sake of my well-being, I need time away. And when it comes to getting away, my favorite way to get away... Read More

Family Life | Imagine The End

How to Help Your Kids Get Along

Child 1: Mom . . . (insert sibligs name here) just hit me. Child 2: No I didn’t . . . I just gave him a high five and hit his face. As a mother of four (each fifteen months apart), I am outnumbered on so many levels.... Read More

Family Life | Fight For The Heart

Building Bridges With Your Kids

Picture it. Family movie night. You’ve just popped an industrial-size bowl full of popcorn. You’ve got a mug of hot chocolate for each kid, with exactly 13 mini marshmallows each. Everyone’s snuggling under blankets and settling in for some much-needed R&R. Then, the big question . . .... Read More

Family Life | Imagine The End

The Importance of Clarity

As a parent, it’s your job to speak with clarity. Not because your kids will take advantage of you all the time, but because it helps set boundaries. It helps clearly communicate expectations. It makes obeying a lot easier. Clarity is a gift you give your kids and... Read More

Family Life | Imagine The End

Lessons I’ve Learned From Being a Clueless Dad

Father’s Day always reminds me of my first day as a father. It was a crisp fall; the leaves were turning a heavenly gold as the squirrels gathered the last nuts before winter. Finally, the anticipation was over, and this would be the day I would become a... Read More

Family Life | Imagine The End

Leaving a “Legacy” Feels Overwhelming

There are some people who are intentional about leading. They love leadership. They listen to podcasts, read books, and go to conferences, all to be come a better leader. They love words like “legacy” and “heritage.” Words like that seem overwhelming to me. I get that they are... Read More

Family Life | Make It Personal

Finding Confidence in Parenting

There are a lot of things I’m confident about. I’m confident that my 3-month-old hates sleep. I’m confident that my kitchen will remain a mess until the year 2050. I’m confident that I’ll never ever like sushi. And I’m confident that I will always choose the slowest line... Read More