You’re Doing It Wrong
Twice in the past several weeks while out with my husband and boys, random people have stopped to “critique” something we were doing involving our parenting. The first time I was proud of both my inward and outward reaction. I recovered remarkably fast—if I don’t say so myself.... Read More
Live Small, Tell Big Stories
Most of what I write in books is simply what I live at home. As I start to think about writing a new one, there’s a simple lesson from the Acuff house that keeps coming up. Three years ago when we moved to Nashville, people encouraged us to... Read More
Family Life | Widen The Circle
Why Your Kids Need Someone Else to Talk To
I remember the day I turned thirteen. I was thinking of my red three speed bike with the banana seat, sissy bar and raised handlebars. I loved it, but I knew it was a kids’ bike and soon I’d have to ride a ten speed like every other... Read More
Character and Values | Family Life | High School (9th-12th) | Imagine The End
A-List Prayers
A couple of months ago, I attended a beautiful ceremony to celebrate a friend who decided to commit her future to missions. At a certain point in the celebration, my friend’s mom made her way over to where I was sitting. We small-talked for a bit, and then... Read More
Family Life | Make It Personal
Parenting Isn’t For Wimps
We’ve heard people say “parenting isn’t for wimps”. So, if you happen to be a parent, it’d make sense to believe that you are anything but wimpy. Right? Then why do we feel like wimps occasionally? As a parent of two little girls, I question the validity of... Read More
Sharing History
by Sarah Anderson My kids have taken an interest lately in watching our wedding video. It has been a fun thing to indulge in with them. They get to see the faces of friends and family they know so well, and grapple with comprehending how they weren’t even... Read More
Character and Values | Family Life
10 Ways to Tame your Temper
Here are 10 tips from the Mayo Clinic to help you control your anger: 1. Take a timeout. 2. Get some space. 3. Once you’re calm, express your anger. 4. Get some exercise. 5. Think carefully before you say anything. 6. Identify solutions to the situation. 7. Use... Read More
Hope on a Napkin
Parenting is like this sometimes. It’s a conundrum of the happiest moments of your life mixed with ones that make you want to run from the room screaming. How many times do I have to repeat myself? Who the heck is listening to me anyway? I can’t even... Read More
Intentional Time
According to some new research, parents are spending more time interacting with their kids now than generations before. In 1965, the data from the Americans’ Use of Time Study shows that mothers spent 10 hours weekly on childcare as a primary activity. Fathers spent 3 hours. Fast forward... Read More