How to Lose (and Gain) Influence as a Parent

How to Lose (and Gain) Influence as a Parent

Every parent wants influence, and while a parent is the greatest influence in a child’s life, that influence can wax and wane with the seasons.  In fact, a lot of parents I know feel like they’re losing influence.

Influence is something to pay attention to no matter what stage of parenting you’re at, because ultimately every parent is on a journey from control to influence.  We start out with almost complete control of a child’s life, but by the time our sons and daughters are 18 and ready to face life on their own, all we have left is influence.

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Do as I Say, Not as I Do

Do as I Say, Not as I Do

Have the words “Because I said so” ever come out of your mouth? This “quick fix” answer we sometimes give our kids when they ask “Why?” can ultimately undermine our authority as parents. “Because I said so” was never a satisfying answer when you were a kid; it’s no different now that you’re the parent. When it comes to guiding and teaching our kids, “do as I do” is far more effective than “do as I say.”

Whether we admit it or not, our lives are on display 24/ 7. Our children are always watching and learning from us, from both our positive and negative characteristics and behaviors.

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