Liz Hansen

Elizabeth Hansen has worked as a script writer and story developer for Orange since 2011. She holds an MFA in screenwriting from Regent University and writes for Feature Presentation, Get Reel, FX, and more. Elizabeth and her husband, David, write and produce films through their company, Arclight Studios. They have two sons and live in Canton, Georgia.

Let Your Kids Be Bored | Parent Cue Blog

Family Activities | Family Life | Featured

Let Your Kids Be Bored

“Boredom” can be defined as “the frustrating experience of wanting, but being unable, to engage in satisfying activity.” And while that sounds—and can feel—unpleasant, numerous studies have show that it… Read More
How to Explain Confidence to a Child | Parent Cue Blog

Character and Values | Elementary (K-5th) | Family Life | Featured | Imagine The End

How to Explain Confidence to a Child

Any time you feel confused, uncertain, insecure, or anxious—God desires to give you His confidence. All you have to do is ask! Read More
What You and Your Kids Need to Know About True Confidence | Parent Cue Blog

Character and Values | Elementary (K-5th) | Featured | Fight For The Heart

What You and Your Kids Need to Know About True Confidence

I look at my pint-sized kid and wish I could instantaneously transfer forty-plus years of hard-won (though certainly not perfected) confidence straight into his heart and mind. Read More
Lessons I've Learned While Quarantining with Preschoolers

Birth - 5 years

Lessons I’ve Learned While Quarantining With Preschoolers

As the mother of two preschool boys, I’m making this up as I go, just like you are. But there are a few things I’ve learned in the past six… Read More

Character and Values

When You Need More Hope

It’s a learned ability to see a bigger picture. Life experience helps us look back and see it better from where we are standing now. Practice looking for the good… Read More
Helping Your Preschooler Navigate Their Emotions | The Parent Cue Blog

Birth - 5 years | Mental Health

Helping Your Preschooler Navigate Their Emotions

Preschoolers simply don’t have the life experience to see past the present instant. Emotion is reality. As far as they are concerned, what they feel in the moment is how… Read More

Family Life | Make It Personal

It’s All In Your Head: Taming Negative Thoughts on Parenting

About 50,000 thoughts pass through our minds each day. FIFTY THOUSAND. I suspect that number is even higher for parents of preschoolers! It’s true that many of these thoughts are… Read More
3 Survival Tips for Preschool Parents

Birth - 5 years

3 Survival Tips for Preschool Parents

If you’ve got one under five, you’re stretched. If you’ve got two under five, you’re beyond capacity. If you’ve got more than two under five, well, living in the South,… Read More
Preschoolers Go All In | The Parent Cue Blog

Birth - 5 years

Preschoolers Go All In

When our now 3-year-old was 12 months, I placed him in the kitchen sink with plastic cups and a thin stream of running water. Then I watched in awe and… Read More
Toddlers Have Super Powers | Parent Cue Blog
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