Create A Rhythm

Create A Rhythm | Family Life

Will I Miss This?

It’s not about enjoying every minute . . . it’s about enjoying the ones I can and making the most of the ones that are harder to embrace. Read More

Create A Rhythm

Free Download: 2020 Back-to-School Plan for Your Family

Regardless of how this school year will look for your family, going back-to-school means a new rhythm for your family. A fresh start. Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life | Featured | School Life

A Checklist for a Successful Socially-Distanced School Year

We want to help make this transition as smooth as possible. Here’s a checklist to prepare for the coming school year—which is sure to be like no other before it. Read More

Create A Rhythm | Current Events | Family Life

We All Made a Giant Pivot. Now What?

As families and schools and churches—we pivoted. It was like our collective adrenaline got us to what we thought might be the finish line of a sprint. Read More

Create A Rhythm

How to Adjust to a New Family Rhythm

At the start of 2020, I bet my days looked a lot like yours. But then, March 2020 came around. And what we used to think was a life-sucking routine became a longing for change from the pace we currently live in. Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life

The Power of “First Words”

Words have power and it’s not just the words we say out loud. Sometimes, the most powerful words we say are the ones we say inside to ourselves. Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life

Your One Best Thing

It’s that time of year. The stale leftover cookies are in the trash and I’m eyeing the tree, wishing it would pack up and walk itself to the basement. I’m ready to make a clean sweep of the holidays. Christmas is over. This means a brand new year... Read More

Create A Rhythm

The Rewarding Work of Remembering

Call me sentimental, but I’m a big believer in making memories. I’m also a big believer in capturing those memories for later. It’s not that I don’t enjoy living in the moment. But I’m a classic introvert in the sense that I’m an observer. I process information (and... Read More

Birth - 5 years | Create A Rhythm

How to Read Better Bedtime Stories

When my wife and I told people that we were going to have a baby, they often asked what I was most looking forward to about being a new parent. My answer? The tax exemptions. I’m only kidding; my wife is a CPA, so that was always her... Read More

Create A Rhythm

Does Your Summer Have a Rhythm?

Summertime is here—and that means more free time for the little people in my home. Between pools, playdates, camps, and finding the right time to just relax, summer can be another full time job. I don’t know about your kiddos, but mine are out of school for exactly... Read More