Create A Rhythm

Create A Rhythm | Family Life

Why You Should Go on an Adventure with Your Family

I come from a family of campers. Tent campers, to be exact. I suppose it’s always been in my DNA, with parents who loved National Parks and toured us all around the great American West.  I can still vividly remember that cold, foggy campsite on the Sonoma coast,... Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Activities

The Battle of the Bored

Sometimes, love means saying no. Love means prompting kids to use their creativity. Sometimes, love means taking away technology and kicking kids outside. It means letting your kids be bored Read More

Birth - 5 years | Create A Rhythm | Family Life

10 Parenting Hacks to Make Life Easier with Little Kids

“I don’t know what to do with all this time on my hands,” said no parent ever. Once you become a parent, finding time to do the things you want and need to do is similar to catching Harry Potter’s golden snitch—nearly impossible, but incredibly rewarding when you... Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life

5 Things You’ll Never Regret

Yes, it really was a bad idea to give your six-year-old access to the finger paints while you did the laundry. Or to let your fourteen-year-old son stay overnight at his friend’s place without triple checking to make sure his parents were home. And maybe it wasn’t all that... Read More

Celebrations | Create A Rhythm

5 Quick Tips for a Great Spring Break

It’s that time of year again. Spring Break! And although your Spring Break vacations might be different now that you’re a parent, you still want them to be great. Knowing that, we put together five quick tips to make sure you have an awesome one. 1. Don’t compare.... Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life

The Power of a Question

Just two days into the New Year we got the difficult news that my 91-year-old grandmother had passed away. In the days that followed we did what everyone does in the grieving process. We remembered. We told a lot of stories. We recalled conversations and pivotal moments that... Read More

Birth - 5 years | Celebrations | Create A Rhythm

4 Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Easter with Your Preschooler

One of the things I wrestled with when my kids were growing up was how to make the true story of Easter the most important part of Easter while participating in all the fun around us. I loved watching my kids dig through their baskets and run through... Read More