Celebrations | Create A Rhythm | Family Life
How to Make Good Memories Without Grumpy Side Effects
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. We’re on the cusp of all things holiday and fun. The festivals. The fairs. The pumpkin patches. And the promise for more parties and holiday spectaculars just around the corner. It’s the kick off to a magical—if not insane—season, made... Read More
Family Life | Make It Personal
Be as Brave as Your Kid
One night, while driving home from youth group, my oldest daughter came up with an idea. “Dad, tomorrow, I’m going to ask my English teacher if I can use her coffee pod machine.” As teens are known to do, L.E. has developed a taste for coffee. Apparently, getting up... Read More
My Unexpected Goal as a Dad
When it comes to parenting, it’s easy to think of a few goals for yourself. You want to help your kids find something they are passionate about. You want to give them a healthy self-image. You want to challenge them and encourage them to grow. You hope that... Read More
Birth - 5 years | Family Life | Make It Personal
Confessions of an Insecure Mom
I’m doing my best. I’m trying to care for my child the best I know how. Aren’t we all? I’m trying to raise him well, make informed decisions, love him to the very ends of my human limits. And somehow it’s not enough. And too much. All at... Read More
5 Principles to Help You Parent Beyond Your Capacity
If you’ve been following our blog for any amount of time, you may have noticed a few repeating themes. (And if you haven’t noticed, we’re not going to give you a quiz or anything. Take a deep breath . . . and keep reading!) Each month, we highlight... Read More
You’re a Good Parent Even When You Drop Plates
Tucker was a few weeks old, and it was my first night back to my part-time job as a writing teacher. I’m pretty sure I was teetering under the weight of everything I carried into my parents’ house: the car seat, the diaper bag, bottles, milk, binkies, blankets,... Read More
Family Life | Fight For The Heart
How Birth Order Affects Your Children
I once heard a comedian ask the crowd, “How many of you are first-born children?” Those first- born in the crowd cheered and clapped. He then asked, “And how many of you are the baby of the family? The last born?” Again, the last born all rose to... Read More
Family Life | Fight For The Heart
How to Parent Better in This Phase—Starting Now!
Sometimes it’s all just a bit overwhelming, isn’t it? You want to do better and be better for them, and for yourself. You know that time is passing quickly, and that your kids are looking to you for answers. You want to appreciate your children today, because they’ll... Read More
Family Life | Make It Personal | Self Care
How to Find Refreshment in the Middle of Summer
Think back to what summer was like before you had kids. Do you remember the glory of it? The late start to the day. Creating your own schedule. Taking actual vacations? (Because let’s be honest, a day at the beach with kids is not really a vacation. It’s... Read More
Birth - 5 years | Family Life | Phase
The One Thing That Matters Most in the Preschool Phase
While caring for your preschooler, on days when your constant to-do list feels endless, you can’t help but wonder, am I doing anything that really matters? Read More