
Back to School Supplies Gifts Parent Cue

Elementary (K-5th) | Featured | High School (9th-12th) | Middle School (6th-8th) | Phase

Back-to-School Supply List 2024

Remember, each school year is a fresh start to discover who your kid is and how they'll change over the next 52 weeks. Here's some ideas for fun extras for… Read More
5 Things Worth Celebrating In Each Phase | Parent Cue Blog

Elementary (K-5th) | Family Life | Featured | High School (9th-12th) | Middle School (6th-8th) | Phase

5 Things Worth Celebrating In Each Phase

you have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of who your kids are turning out to be, the things they’re into (at least for now), and learn what truly… Read More

Featured | Phase

How to Influence Your Kid At Every Phase

Yes, you were a kid once… but you weren’t a kid in 2024. You don’t know what it’s like to navigate new friendships, conflict, and develop a world-view in the era of screen time (for peers and parents!), social media commentary (from peers and parents!), and entertainment on... Read More

English | Español | Phase

Phase Timelines

Every phase is a timeframe in a kid’s life when you can leverage distinct opportunities to influence their future. During each phase, there are critical conversations each child needs to have: Technological Responsibility, Sexual Integrity, Faith, and Health.  Read More

Birth - 5 years | Elementary (K-5th) | High School (9th-12th) | Middle School (6th-8th) | Phase

Stories Over Time: A Recommended Reading List for Every Phase

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! 🎶 We’ve compiled a list of our favorite gifts for every important person in your life, family and friends included. Read More

Character and Values | Family Life | Fight For The Heart | Phase

The Secret Ingredient For Having a Close Relationship With Your Kid

Showing our kids empathy is the No. 1 way to strengthen and improve our relationship with them. Read More

Featured | High School (9th-12th) | Imagine The End | Phase | Widen The Circle

The Strategic Relationships All Kids Need

We were never meant to parent alone. Inviting other caring adults you trust to consistently show up in the life of your kid is invaluable. Read More

Birth - 5 years | Create A Rhythm | Phase | Uncategorized

Making the Most of Bedtime in the Preschool Phase

It’s in the everyday moments that we can connect with our kids, and bedtime for a preschooler is a significant opportunity you don’t want to miss. Because you’re doing more than just tucking your child into bed. You’re laying a foundation that says, “I care about you.” Read More

Birth - 5 years | Featured | Phase

Welcome to Preschool: Making the Most of the “Why?” Phase

As our kids grow and develop, at the heart of most of their questions is the search for safety, stability, and in whom and what they can trust. Read More

Family Life | Featured | Phase

The Best Way to Communicate With Your Kid at Every Phase

One of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do in your parenting is learn how to communicate with your kid. Communication in and of itself has never been easy, but add an age gap, youthful angst, and a budding vocabulary, and you might find yourself feeling like... Read More