For some families, morning is crazy.
Dinner may happen all together, or you may have one parent who works at night. Or sports or other activities may have you running in different directions.
Bedtime for some families is, well, crazy.
In other words, your family may look different than another family because of schedules or basic wiring.
But if you look closely at what your family does and when, you may find there are consistent things that happen every day or week.
You get up.
You are on the go.
You eat.
You sleep.
The rhythm in your home sets your family values.
It establishes what is acceptable and what is not acceptable.
It determines what gets talked about and what doesn’t get talked about.
When you create a rhythm you establish priorities.
Whether it’s mealtimes, car rides, or during bath time routines, you can leverage that time to have a meaningful connection with your kids.
Morning Time (any kid, any age): Start your child’s day with an encouraging word—even if they are grumpy or don’t respond well.
Feeding Time (for babies): Use this time to reflect on what’s most important.
Cuddle Time (for preschoolers): Pray for your baby, toddler, or preschooler.
Bath Time (for preschoolers): Talk about Bible stories and the character of God.
Drive Time: Use this time to connect with your kid/teen and get to know what’s going on in their life and what’s important to them.
Meal Time: Talk about faith and character.
Bed Time: Pray for your elementary-age kid, preteen, middle schooler, or high schooler.
Their Time: Be accessible when your high schooler wants to connect—whenever that is.
Your family may have other times as well. For example, families with kids with special needs may even have additional times like therapy or doctor visits.
On hard days or in hard seasons, family rhythms help your kids recenter on what is true—like how much you love them, how brave and strong they are. Kids need to know that, even when life is hard, there will be showers and chores and Tacos on Tuesday.
Whatever your family rhythm looks like, see if there’s a way you can look at things you are already doing, and do one simple thing to connect with the heart of your child instead of merely getting through it. In the process, you’ll build connection, faith, and character.