Stephanie Thomas


Stephanie writes about parenting, health and personal development. She loves to read—novels, memoirs, picture books and cookbooks. Sometimes she even puts those cookbooks to work in the kitchen. Stephanie lives in Nashville with her husband, Eric, and their two boys, Henry and Leo—the best outdoor-adventure crew she could imagine.

5 Questions to Ask Your Kids Today | Parent Cue Blog

Elementary (K-5th) | Featured | High School (9th-12th) | Middle School (6th-8th)

5 Questions to Ask Your Kids Today

Let’s take a look at five questions we can ask that might just break through the distracted exterior and help us to get to the heart of the matter: helping… Read More
How to Build Empathy in My Elementary Schooler | Parent Cue Blog

Elementary (K-5th) | Featured | Imagine The End | School Life

How to Build Empathy in My Elementary Schooler

As a child moves through elementary school, they also move through a transition of sorts in how they relate to themself and others. Read More
Take a Deep Breath: 5 Things That Are True Today | Parent Cue Blog

Current Events | Featured | Mental Health | Self Care

Take a Deep Breath: 5 Things That Are True Today

The truth has the power to ground us when things around us seem unsteady.  Read More
3 Easy Steps for Building Better Relationships (Even If You’re Busy) | Parent Cue Blog

Featured | Self Care

3 Easy Steps for Building Better Relationships (Even If You’re Busy)

We were meant to grow in relationship with each other and ourselves. To be known and loved for who we are and to extend this same grace to our close… Read More
2022 Mental Health Goals for Every Parent | Parent Cue Blog

Character and Values | Featured | Self Care

2022 Mental Health Goals for Every Parent

We can’t say for sure when the outside world will return to normal. So we thought it might be best to focus on the inner world of mental health. Today,… Read More
How to Balance Being Productive vs. Being Present | Parent Cue Blog

Create A Rhythm | Family Activities | Family Life | Featured

How Planning Can Make You a More Present Parent

When it comes to you being present with your children, think quality over quantity. Think intentional over impromptu. Think practice over perfection.  Read More
The 6 Things Your New First-Grader Needs | Parent Cue Blog

Elementary (K-5th) | Featured | Phase

The 6 Things Your New First-Grader Needs

Rest assured, parents, though he continues to grow in stature and wisdom, that first grader relies on you now more than ever. Read More
5 Ways to Work Through Sibling Rivalry | Parent Cue Blog

Family Life | Featured

5 Ways to Work Through Sibling Rivalry

A home without conflict isn’t an achievable or worthwhile goal. Our kids are going to argue. And we, as loving parents, are here to help them through it. Read More
When it Comes to Kids and Commitment: Show, Don’t Tell | Parent Cue Blog

Character and Values | Family Activities | Featured | Imagine The End

When it Comes to Kids and Commitment: Show, Don’t Tell

It’s in the practice that we learn and grow and develop confidence. It’s through the repetition of hard work that things become easy. And it’s in those little steps—of daily… Read More
5 Things We've Learned from a Year of Pandemic Parenting | Parent Cue Blog

Current Events | Featured | Special Topics

5 Things We’ve Learned from a Year of Pandemic Parenting

It’s true now more than ever: the mental health of our family matters. We’re all stressed. And we all need time for lighthearted play, the freedom to roam around, and… Read More
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