This information is taken from the Phase Guides
Parenting is hard. Just when you think you understand your child, everything changes. And then you have to get re-acquainted and figure out a new way to parent. It might be helpful to know that every kid at every phase is asking a unique and fundamental question. How you answer that question for your child will communicate the one thing they need most: Love.
K-1st Grade
In kindergarten and first grade, kids are adjusting to lots of changes and trying many things for the first time, like going to school, riding the bus, joining a team. With all the increased opportunities in these early years, your kindergartner or first grader is asking one major question:
Do I Have Your Attention?
In this phase, your child needs to know you see their efforts, their ideas, their failures.
2-3rd Grade
In second and third grade, kids are becoming increasingly self-aware, and they begin to compare themselves to others. They are asking this fundamental question:
Do I Have What It Takes?
They want to know they have what it takes to make the team, to get the grade, and to measure up to their own (and your) standards.
4th-5th Grade
Your fourth or fifth grader can understand different points of view, empathize with others, and negotiate like a champ. That means one thing: Your influence is shifting. Your kid still needs you, but they are beginning to need you in a different way.
4th and 5th graders are asking one major question:
Do I Have Friends?
Sure, everyone needs a friend. But research shows there’s extraordinary value in having a best friend in the fourth and fifth grade. Kids need to share their most authentic version of themselves with another person.
Engage Their Interests
In elementary school, you can give your child the love they need when you engage their interests.
When this happens, you:
- Communicate that their ideas have value
- Show curiosity about their activities
- Establish that their efforts are significant
- Demonstrate that they are worth loving
- Help them push through set-backs
- Communicate their relationships have value
So, pay attention to what they like and who they like. Who and what do they seem to enjoy the most right now in this phase?
Make the Most of Every Phase
You have approximately 936 weeks from the time your child is born until he or she graduates from high school. It goes by fast, and kids change and grow quickly. It’s as if they shift or move on just as you’re starting to figure them out. It all makes the responsibility to shape a child’s faith and character feel overwhelming.
In a concise and interactive way, Elementary Phase Guides simplify what you need to know about elementary-aged kids in general and gives you a place to discover more about your kids—so you can make the most of this phase.