Family Life

Family Life | Make It Personal | Mental Health

What My 5-Year-Old Taught Me in My Darkest Moment

Recently, my husband and I welcomed our third daughter, Sailor. I can’t tell you how excited I was to be pregnant—and even more excited to have another girl! (One day I’ll write a blog post about people who say, ‘Oh, I’m so sorry you didn’t get your boy!’)... Read More

Family Life | Make It Personal

Are People Without Kids Happier?

I read an article from 2016 that said people without kids, in the United States, are way happier than people who have kids. Because you are reading a parenting blog, I’m assuming you are one of those people with kids and this news is less than inspiring. Maybe... Read More

Family Life | Imagine The End

Can You Spoil Kids Without Spoiling Them?

My daughters are spoiled. And to a certain degree, I’m okay with that. But here’s what I know—there’s a line between a “spoiled” child and an “entitled” child. And that’s a line I have not always navigated with precision. In fact, I have given in to whining too... Read More

Family Life | Fight For The Heart

I Am Not a Fun Guy (or a Fungi)

I saw myself on the screen the other night. I wasn’t on the jumbotron at the baseball game. I wasn’t starring in a home movie. No, I saw myself in a movie character. An unlikely one. And the irony is that it was the antagonist of a movie that I watched years... Read More

Family Life | Make It Personal | Self Care

Parenting Dangerously Close to Empty

I love to live on the edge. At least that is what I tell my kids when they are all frustrated with me. I am that person. That person that drives until the “E” light in my car has been shining at me for about 30 miles. It... Read More

Family Life | Make It Personal

Planning for Exceptions in Parenting

Think back to elementary or middle school. Do you remember the first time you asked someone if he or she liked you? You probably played out the scenario over and over again in your mind. You may have role-played it in your bathroom mirror. Whether it was over... Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life

The Beauty of Simplification

One of the leading causes of “mom guilt” is thinking that you can get it all done. Instead of setting reasonable expectations, society often puts pressure on moms to be perfect. You just have to work full time, make amazing organic meals for your family, raise talented children... Read More

Family Life | Imagine The End

Why I Have No Plans to “Let Them Be Little”

You hear it a lot . . . Let them be little. It’s a sentiment so perfectly nostalgic and sweet, I totally get why it’s a favorite parenting mantra and a consistently trending #hashtag. Only, when it comes to parenting my three daughters, I have no plans to... Read More

Family Life | Make It Personal

10 Reasons Having Kids is Awesome

It’s easy to focus on all the negatives involved with having kids. They’re . . . inconvenient, selfish, messy, unpredictable, irrational, and one of the most expensive investments you’ll ever make. Raising kids is tough—that’s for sure. But it’s not all bad. In fact, some days with kids... Read More

Family Life | Fight For The Heart

Words of Wisdom

There I sat, probably with slumped shoulders at this point. Mind totally saturated with gallons of new information, dates, deadlines, fees, dos and don’ts. I had already made a dozen mental to-do lists for the coming weeks, all while still processing the fact that I had to check-in... Read More
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