Parenting a Child with Special Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic
If you have a child with special needs, you may be asking: what is normalcy for me, my family, and my child during this time? Over the course of the last few weeks, life as we know it has drastically changed. Daily routines have been thrown out the... Read More
Helping Your Child Through Grief
Over the past few months of counseling kids, I’ve experienced firsthand how their emotions have shifted. First, they were anxious about someone they loved coming down with COVID-19 or catching it themselves. Once the government started the shelter-in-place orders all over the country, there was actually less anxiety.... Read More
Current Events | Special Topics
Parenting (and Teaching) a Child With Special Needs During COVID-19
Just like that we were no longer “just” parents of a child with special needs. We were also teachers of a child with special needs. And playing the roles of teacher, and activity director, and parent for a child with special needs is—let’s just say—complicated. Read More
Español | Family Life | School Life | Special Topics
6 consejos para educar en el hogar para principiantes
¡Vivimos tiempos locos, amigos! Para la mayoría de nosotros, eso significa que tenemos que posponer la vida normalmente-programada hasta nuevo aviso. También significa que muchos padres serán responsables de supervisar el aprendizaje en línea de sus hijos en el futuro previsible. Read More
Family Life | School Life | Special Topics
6 Homeschooling Tips for Amateurs
We’re living in wild times, friends! For most of us, that means we’re having to postpone regularly-scheduled life until further notice. It also means that many parents will be responsible for overseeing their kids’ online learning for the foreseeable future. Read More
Mental Health | Special Topics
Managing Fear and Anxiety During a Health Pandemic
If you’re struggling with how to manage your family’s increasing anxiety about the current public health crisis, you’re not alone. As information about Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to unfold, many families are experiencing a wide range of thoughts, feelings, and reactions. Read More
Español | Mental Health | Special Topics
Manejando el miedo y la ansiedad durante una pandemia de salud
Si está luchando sobre cómo manejar la creciente ansiedad de su familia sobre la actual crisis de salud pública, no está solo. A medida que la información sobre el coronavirus (COVID-19) continúa desarrollándose, muchas familias experimentan una amplia gama de pensamientos, sentimientos y reacciones. Read More
Raising Kids Who Will Initiate Racial Equality
If we want to raise a new generation of leaders who will initiate racial equality; ignoring conversations of race, racism, injustice and inequality are not privileges any of us are granted. Read More
Fight For The Heart | Special Topics | Uncategorized
Fighting for the Heart of Our (Adopted Son) Family
The fight this season isn’t just for our adopted son, it is also for our biological children and our family. It is the fight that shows that love rules everything and we cannot accomplish change or healing without it. Read More