Did you know there are 936 weeks from the time a parent brings home a newborn until their 18-year-old begins moving on to whatever’s next? And while the church has less time with a kid or teen than a parent, the church can still play a significant role—as a champion, encourager, and trusted voice for both parents and kids alike. That’s why we invite you, the church leader, to experience the phases to see the whole picture of how the home and church work together to create a lasting impact in the life of a child. As you walk through each phase archway in the Parent Cue Gallery, click the audio links below to fully immerse yourself in what’s going on in that specific phase…
To listen to this tour in Spanish, click here.
As you walk through the Parent Cue Gallery, you’ll experience each phase through two different lenses…the home and the church.
This is the phase of boo-boos, goldfish crumbs, and bedtime stories. In this phase, kids need us to EMBRACE their physical needs. (And there are plenty of those, right?)
This is the phase of playdates, soccer, and birthday parties. In this phase, kids need us to ENGAGE their interests—even though they may change from one day to the next.
This is the phase of changes—school, friends, bodies, attitudes—almost nothing stays the same. In this phase, pre-teens and newly minted teens need us to AFFIRM their personal journey, no matter how many twists and turns there are along the way.
This is the phase of the countdown—from the day they get their license to the days until graduation. Teens need us to MOBILIZE their potential. It won’t be long until they’ve moved on to whatever’s next all on their own.
Thanks for joining us on our audio tour of the Parent Cue Gallery! Remember…it’s just a phase, so don’t miss it.