Special Needs

Raising Future Adults: How the Role Changes for Autism Parents | Parent Cue Blog

Featured | Special Topics

Raising Future Adults: How the Role Changes for Parents of Autistics

For our son, being autistic is all he’s ever known. Autism is his normal. When God esteems him as, “wonderfully and fearfully made,” my child isn’t broken. I am.  Our… Read More
6 Truths for Any Special Needs Parent | Parent Cue Blog

Featured | Imagine The End | Special Topics

6 Truths for Any Special Needs Parent

What we grieve is the loss of expectations—the death of our unspoken dreams. We can give ourselves permission to grieve, because God does. Read More
What I Wish You Knew About My Child With Down Syndrome | Derek Smith

Family Life | Featured

What I Wish You Knew About My Child With Down Syndrome

From almost every Down’s family we talked to, the same words were shared, “He will be the greatest blessing of your life.” What a true statement. Read More
Parenting a Child with Special Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Special Topics

Parenting a Child with Special Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic

If you have a child with special needs, you may be asking: what is normalcy for me, my family, and my child during this time? Over the course of the… Read More
Parenting (and Teaching) a Child with Special Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Current Events | Special Topics

Parenting (and Teaching) a Child With Special Needs During COVID-19

 Just like that we were no longer “just” parents of a child with special needs. We were also teachers of a child with special needs. And playing the roles of teacher,… Read More
Hope Boomerangs Back | Parent Cue Blog

Make It Personal | Special Topics

Hope Boomerangs Back

“Pray for others that you may be healed,” (James 5:16). These words wouldn’t leave me alone. I really needed some encouragement––a prayer, a note, anything. From somebody. From an “other.”… Read More
Special Needs Parenting is too Big to do Alone

Widen The Circle

Special Needs Parenting is Too Big to Do Alone

Families affected by disability are in chronic need of supportive community to do life together. But friends and even family—all with the best of intentions—can sometimes express comments that land… Read More
7 Practical Tips to Raising A Child With Autism | The Parent Cue Blog

Create A Rhythm

7 Practical Tips to Raising A Child With Autism

Finding out our son had autism was a major blow to the idealistic picture we held of what parenting might be like. Parenting, in general, is far from easy, but parenting… Read More

Make It Personal

Finding Out Your Child Has Autism

The day I discovered I was pregnant with our first child was one of the happiest days of my life. My husband and I had been married for three years… Read More
Finishing Well Parent Cue Blog

Family Life | Imagine The End

Are You Finishing Well?

I thought I raised my children well. They seemed like good kids. But then, a few months ago, my oldest son did the unthinkable. The most thoughtless, unimaginable thing he’s… Read More