Create A Rhythm

Create A Rhythm | Family Activities

How to Make the Most of a Family Adventure

What do you remember most about summer growing up as a kid? One of the things that sticks out in my head is the summer I decided to eat tree bark. I remember prying off several chunks and dipping them into a jar of peanut butter I’d snuck... Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life

How to Make the Most of Your Week

Time. It’s moving fast. It’s limited. We will never have more of it than we already have. So the issue is not how do we get more, but how do we become more intentional about what we have? How can we manage our time strategically to parent beyond... Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life

Is Vacation Really Vacation When You Have Kids?

I remember one of the hardest days I had when I first became a parent. It wasn’t watching my little guy get a shot and realizing that the world would hurt him in ways I would be unable to stop. It was the day we took our first... Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life

3 Reasons I Can’t Stop Using the Parent Cue App

My son and daughter-in-law just had their third child. At the moment, their home is like a three-ring circus of juggling, stunts, and acrobatics. Even now as I watch my daughter-in-law wrestle with diapers, wipes and poop, my son is juggling after-school pickup and entertaining a lively and... Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life

Winning at Parenting When You’re a Cake-Decorating Loser

“Could we sign up for a cake decorating class on Saturdays?” This came from my fourteen-year-old daughter as I stood at the sink up to my elbows in dirty dishes. I paused. The last thing I wanted to do was give up my Saturdays. I was already losing... Read More

Celebrations | Create A Rhythm

What Do You Want Your Kids to Remember Most About Easter?

We moved into a new house about six months ago, which means we’ve been unpacking boxes for oh … about six months. The unmarked boxes are my favorite because it’s like Christmas wondering what will be inside when we open them. Now that we’re finally feeling more settled... Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life

Parenting Through Transition: Confession Of A Recovering Control Freak

I started back to fulltime, in-office work this week, for the first time in over three years. To be honest, my emotions over this transition have swung back and forth like a pendulum: Anxiety. Excitement. Guilt. Pride. Eagerness. Dread. (What? Your pendulum is a little less extreme than... Read More

Create A Rhythm | Elementary (K-5th) | Middle School (6th-8th)

The Most Important Minutes We Often Miss

Our family has officially entered the wasteland of carpooling. Not familiar with that? Allow me to explain. There comes a time in your child’s life when they’re old enough to have lots of activities but young enough that they can’t drive yet. You, as the parent, find yourself trapped... Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life

Why Kids (and Parents) Need Routine

“What is going on? Why is he having a meltdown when we tell him it’s bedtime? He’s nine!” My husband and I slumped into seats across from each other at the kitchen table. The sticky, crumb-laden tabletop scattered with homework papers and other backpack entrails didn’t help the... Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life

Quantity of Quality Time

The quantity of time we spend with our kids provides comfort and communicates importance. You’re probably familiar with the expression that your calendar reflects what’s important to you. But we often rely on quantity time as a substitute for quality time. It’s not quite the same, though. Read More