What you do every week matters.
And what you do every week matters more when it happens over time.
But there are some moments that only come around seasonally, annually, or once in a lifetime. And the way you celebrate those moments have a different kind of impact.
Over the next eighteen years with your child,
some moments will . . .
create a shared experience.
mark a significant milestone.
begin an annual tradition.
Christmas may be one of the best holidays to create some family traditions. Whether your traditions remain constant or change with the phases, go ahead and try a few this year and make your baby’s first Christmas one to remember.
Four Gift Ideas:
If you are wary of too many gifts for one little baby, or you don’t want your home filled with loud noise makers and bright plastic obstacles to trip over, ask doting friends and relatives to choose gifts that fit in one of four categories: something they want, something they need, something they wear, something they read.
One Gift Tradition:
Start a tradition of new Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve, a special Christmas ornament to put on the tree, or a Christmas book to read before bed.
Nativity Story-Time:
If you have a nativity in your home, show your baby the different pieces as you set up the scene. Talk about the characters and tell the story as you put the pieces in place.
A Christmas Keepsake:
Commemorate “baby’s first Christmas” by making (or purchasing) something special this year that you will bring out every Christmas. Make a handprint. Get a special ornament. Take a picture. Create a memory book. Do whatever fits your style.