Summertime is here—and that means more free time for the little people in my home. Between pools, playdates, camps, and finding the right time to just relax, summer can be another full time job. I don’t know about your kiddos, but mine are out of school for exactly 10 weeks which can seem like an eternity if not properly planned out. So here are some ways I create summer rhythms in my house.
I first start off by breaking the summer down into two week sections. This way I can plan more efficiently and do not feel as overwhelmed as I would if I lumped the whole time together. So here is an example of what our summer entails:
First 2 Weeks
The first 2 weeks in our house is strictly set aside for rest. That’s right! No friends over, no going out, or running crazy through the sprinklers (just yet). This time is special because my kids have been working extremely hard in school, waking up early, concentrating on loads of homework, and coming home late because of extra-curricular activities. All of our bodies need rest, and for the past two summers, my kiddos have come to really appreciate it. Especially my middle schooler’s who didn’t know they could sleep in till noon!
Second 2 Weeks
Then comes the next two weeks of summer. I like to call them, “Summer Camp Champions.” During this time, our family chooses two separate week long camps for each child to attend. With four children, I find it easier to send them all to camp during the same session. This allows me to also take a necessary break and changes up the normal routine of things a bit. Each camp focuses on a different theme, skill, or craft my kids enjoy. Whether it’s a favorite sport, creative arts, financial education, or building of character activity, I find the best way for my kiddos to live, have fun, and learn new things.
Third 2 Weeks
Because the last two weeks can be exhausting, I use these two weeks to plan playdates and sleepovers with friends. This allows my kiddos to run crazy in sprinklers, go to the pool, hang out at arcades, race go-karts, challenge friends in laser tag, play video games until their little hearts are content, and stay up as long as their eyes will stay open. My kids really enjoy these weeks because they feel like they get to plan their own summer fun. The choices are endless!
Fourth 2 Weeks
During these two weeks, we begin to focus in on brushing up on school skills. I purchase grade appropriate workbooks for my kiddos to complete and give out incentive prizes to combat the complaining. And because the local library has a summer reading program, this is also a great way to knock out some summer readings for prizes. We focus on reading (which include book reports), writing (grade level weekly prompts), and math (addition – subtraction – multiplication knockout round competitions). The heat is on!
Fifth 2 Weeks
To round everything out and bring summer to a close, these final two weeks are prep mode for crossing back over into our normal routine. School clothes are sorted, regular bedtime goes back into full effect, lunch and dinner meal planning suggestions are discussed, while school registration and supply shopping begin. The excitement of seeing old friends and meeting new ones kick in and we are off to the races for new backpacks for the upcoming school year.
So what are some of your summer rhythms? I hope my families can affirm some you currently have and inspire new one’s as well!