Make It Personal

Family Life | Make It Personal

Do as I Say, Not as I Do

Have the words “Because I said so” ever come out of your mouth? This “quick fix” answer we sometimes give our kids when they ask “Why?” can ultimately undermine our authority as parents. “Because I said so” was never a satisfying answer when you were a kid; it’s... Read More

Character and Values | Make It Personal

The Simplest Way to Teach Your Kids Self Control

One of the focuses for the the month at Parent Cue is teaching our kids “Self Control.” When I found that out I tried to skip this month. I asked if I could sit this one out because I’m so terrible at that particular virtue. But here I am.... Read More

Character and Values | Imagine The End | Make It Personal

Forgiveness Matters

Your children will be treated unfairly. They will be lied to. They will be betrayed. There is no question that someone will hurt your children someday in someway. The question is how will they survive? Choosing to forgive makes it possible for them to emerge on the other... Read More

Fight For The Heart | Make It Personal

Guiltless Lessons of Love

We all want to teach our kids to put others before themselves and treat others the way they want to be treated. But how in the world do you do that? That is, how do you do it without using “that” voice: the condescending, “feel guilty, feel very... Read More

Celebrations | Make It Personal

New Year, New Heart

So it’s a brand new year. Here’s a question to kick it off. How’s your heart? The heart is pretty vital. It’s what we live out of really; it’s the wellspring of life. Our hearts help us feel the highs and lows, navigate wonder and mystery, keep our... Read More

Family Life | Make It Personal

How to Get Your Kids to Do What You Want

There was an article recently in TIME Magazine that revealed the results of an American Psychological Association survey showing that a third of teenagers no longer read books for pleasure. As parents, a survey like this may cause us to lecture our kids about the importance of reading,... Read More

Family Life | Make It Personal

What Parenting Taught Me About Life

As parents, we are tasked to train our children and prepare them for the world . . . but sometimes those roles are reversed. Our children become the teachers, exposing us to our own weaknesses, allowing us to grow alongside them as we navigate the unknown together. Before... Read More

Make It Personal

The Thing We Need to Give to Other Parents

It’s so easy to judge each other. It’s so easy to criticize or analyze another parent. “Can you believe they spent that much on their kid’s birthday? That’s crazy. It was so over the top.” It’s so easy to cut down. Read More

Birth - 5 years | Make It Personal

The Truth About Parenting Preschoolers

Before we had children, a friend once told us that, “Kids simultaneously ruin your life and make it awesome.” Now, as the parents of a one-year-old and a three-year-old, we ruefully refer to this comment on a regular basis. It’s the truth of our story right now. We... Read More

Family Life | Make It Personal

Finding Confidence in Parenting

There are a lot of things I’m confident about. I’m confident that my 3-month-old hates sleep. I’m confident that my kitchen will remain a mess until the year 2050. I’m confident that I’ll never ever like sushi. And I’m confident that I will always choose the slowest line... Read More