We spent a lot of time with my grandparents growing up. We rode four-wheelers through the woods, cooked biscuits from scratch, and watched the same movies over and over again.
One of those movies featured a favorite character of mine, Anne Shirley. There’s a quote by Anne that has always stuck with me:
“Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”
That quote feels especially comforting when I think about the moments where I fall short.
- I managed my time poorly (social media, texting, worrying).
- I’ve lacked consistent quiet times.
- I was lazy in some of my relationships.
- I overspent.
- My work ethic wasn’t my best effort.
Looking back, I feel a little embarrassed about how I spent those moments. Truth be told, there were times when I spent a lot of energy feeling like a failure.
But here’s the thing: Every day is a chance to start fresh. A clean slate. A blank page. A new day with no mistakes in it.
If things are going to be different, if they’re going to be better, we have to give ourselves a second (or third, tenth, fiftieth) chance. It’s an opportunity to reset and refocus on what matters most.
My husband’s mom, Rachel, has a tradition for starting fresh each year. She keeps a simple notebook used only for this purpose. In it, she writes down the following categories for everyone participating:
Looking Back:
- 1 thing I learned.
- 1 thing I did well.
- 1 thing I struggled with.
Looking Forward:
- 1 spiritual goal.
- 1 relationship goal.
- 1 professional/personal goal.
Each time we sit down together, we share our responses for each category. It’s amazing to look back over time and see how far we’ve all come—even if it doesn’t necessarily feel that way in the moment.
Now, you can absolutely do this on your own. But there’s something powerful about sharing your reflections, struggles, and hopes out loud with others.
After sharing, we each light a candle in front of us. Then we spend a few moments praying for the person to our left—aloud (terrifying, I know!). When the prayer is finished, we blow out the candle, symbolizing a release of the trials and failures from the past.
What will you do with your new days ahead?
There are no mistakes yet.