What You Need to Do Before (and After) You Give Your Kid a Phone

What You Need to Do Before (and After) You Give Your Kid a Phone

By far, the number-one thing parents of teens ask me when they learn what I do for a living is almost always about phones.

It comes in several forms, but all of their questions about phones really boil down to two main questions:

1. When do I give my child a phone, and how do I help them win with it?
2. I’ve given my child their phone and it’s not going well . . . what do I do?

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21 Questions to Get to Know Your Kid Now

21 Questions to Get to Know Your Kid Now

Want to know a secret? I don’t really like Butterfinger Bells. (Please don’t tell my mom.)

20 years ago, I told my mom my favorite Christmas candy was Butterfinger Bells. You know the ones. Bell-shaped chocolates with little bits of chopped up Butterfinger crunchies, individually wrapped in foil. And it was my absolute favorite… in middle school. But here I am, a college degree, wedding, and two kids later, still getting a bag of Butterfinger Bells in my stocking each and every Christmas.

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