School Life

Character and Values | Elementary (K-5th) | Featured | Middle School (6th-8th) | School Life | Social Life

What to Do When You Notice Your Kid Is Struggling Socially

And while we’d love to take a magic wand and make all of their struggles disappear . . . we can’t. However, we can take action in helping our children grow by instilling practical truths into their social lives.  Read More

Featured | Fight For The Heart | High School (9th-12th) | School Life

What to Expect in Ninth Grade

When your high-schooler was in middle school, there’s a good chance their biggest motivator was acceptance. They moved in a herd, made decisions as a group, and desperately wanted to fit in. While some of that is still true, your high-schooler is changing and before long, his or... Read More

Create A Rhythm | Featured | School Life | Seasonal

3 Ways to Survive the Back-to-School Season

During those weeks when the day-to-day feels like a total grind, the planned fun is something you can use to buoy your spouse, your kids, and—let’s be honest here— yourself! Read More

Create A Rhythm | Family Life | Featured | School Life

A Checklist for a Successful Socially-Distanced School Year

We want to help make this transition as smooth as possible. Here’s a checklist to prepare for the coming school year—which is sure to be like no other before it. Read More

Elementary (K-5th) | Imagine The End | School Life

How to Be Okay When Your “Baby” Goes to School

When my oldest child started kindergarten . . . I’ve never had my whole life flash before my eyes, but that morning, when we pulled up to the school for the first time, his whole life flashed before my eyes. His baby fuzz and wrist rolls suddenly gave... Read More

Mental Health | School Life

Parenting When You’re a Sensitive Person

How many times had I made my kids’ actions or reactions a black mark against myself as a mother? Here’s the thing about parenting when you are a highly sensitive person—you cannot shoulder every struggle your kid has. You cannot internalize it. You cannot make it about you. Read More

School Life

6 Ways to Appreciate Teachers During COVID-19

This May 4-8, when teacher appreciation week rolls around, we want to show our immense appreciation for all the teachers in our kids’ lives. But in ways that a social-distanced world can accommodate. here are few ideasL Read More

College and Young Adult | High School (9th-12th) | School Life

To the Parents of the Class of 2020

Watching the end of my daughter’s senior year in high school turn into something we could have never imagined has been difficult. Watching her cry and try to process the deep loss of it has been heart wrenching. Read More

Español | Family Life | School Life | Special Topics

6 consejos para educar en el hogar para principiantes

¡Vivimos tiempos locos, amigos! Para la mayoría de nosotros, eso significa que tenemos que posponer la vida normalmente-programada hasta nuevo aviso. También significa que muchos padres serán responsables de supervisar el aprendizaje en línea de sus hijos en el futuro previsible.  Read More

Family Life | School Life | Special Topics

6 Homeschooling Tips for Amateurs

We’re living in wild times, friends! For most of us, that means we’re having to postpone regularly-scheduled life until further notice. It also means that many parents will be responsible for overseeing their kids’ online learning for the foreseeable future.  Read More