
Character and Values | Family Activities | Featured | Imagine The End

7 Meaningful Activities to Help Your Kids Find Purpose

No matter what they would accomplish in life—the degrees earned, accolades received, or titles given—the biggest dream we have for our kids is that they would live a life of purpose.  Read More

Elementary (K-5th) | Featured | Imagine The End | School Life

How to Build Empathy in My Elementary Schooler

As a child moves through elementary school, they also move through a transition of sorts in how they relate to themself and others. Read More

Featured | Imagine The End

The Dreams I Had for My Kid Aren’t Coming True

If you’ve been hurt by a dream for your kid you’ve had to let go, you’re not alone. You’re not a failure. You’re just a parent. Read More

Celebrations | Create A Rhythm | Faith | Featured

What Easter is About

As parents it can be really easy to get discouraged in a tough season with our kids. It can feel like it can never end and things will never get better. But Easter is the reminder that no season lasts forever and to hang on. The story will... Read More

Family Activities | Family Life | Featured

10 Screen-Free Things to Do With Your Kids Over Spring Break

More often than not, you default to more screen time than usual because you either 1) have absolutely no idea how to keep your kids entertained or 2) you still have your own work to do. If you’re looking for screen-free ways to have a fun spring break... Read More

College and Young Adult | Elementary (K-5th) | Family Life | Featured | High School (9th-12th) | Middle School (6th-8th)

Let Your Kids See Your Faith

They want to know it is more than a show—that it’s something real in our lives. They are watching to see if we really believe what we say. . .  Read More

Featured | Phase

How to Influence Your Kid At Every Phase

Yes, you were a kid once… but you weren’t a kid in 2024. You don’t know what it’s like to navigate new friendships, conflict, and develop a world-view in the era of screen time (for peers and parents!), social media commentary (from peers and parents!), and entertainment on... Read More

Character and Values | Featured

The Other Side of Comparison

It’s almost impossible to have empathy for someone else when you get stuck in comparison. Read More

Character and Values | Featured | Fight For The Heart | Make It Personal

What I Want My Children To Know About Love

How we teach our kids about love is a complicated yet important task. Here’s how to define love in a way kids of all ages can understand. Read More

Family Life | Featured | High School (9th-12th) | Middle School (6th-8th)

Three Things You Need to Know About Your Teen and Dating

Romantic relationships at any age are a challenge. Here are a few things I’m keeping in mind as my kids enter the “dating” years. Read More